Best In Slot Shaman
Mythic+ Best in Slot Gear for Enhancement Shaman These recommendations are sourced from the various dungeons throughout Shadowlands, and don't include any raid gear, open world, PvP or world boss items. Search - EQitems - Items, spells and more. Class: Bard Beastlord Berserker Cleric Druid Enchanter Magician Monk Necromancer Paladin Ranger Rogue Shadow Knight Shaman Warrior Wizard. Race: Barbarian Dark Elf Drakkin Dwarf Erudite Froglok Gnome Half-Elf Halfling High Elf Human Iksar Ogre Troll Vah Shir Wood Elf. On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Elemental Shaman in World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.1. If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Elemental Shaman gear and best in slot.
- Best In Slot Shaman Elemental Tbc
- Best In Slot Shaman Healer
- Best In Slot Shaman Gear
- Elemental Shaman Pre Raid Bis Tbc
- 2.2 PlaySunny is operated by Dazzletag Entertainment Ltd 2010 - Licensed and regulated Best In Slot Shaman Healer by the Malta Gaming Best In Slot Shaman Healer Authority (MGA) under licenses MGA/CL1/711/2010 and MGA/CL3/711/2010, both issued on 24th August 2011, and license MGA/CL1/1133/2015 issued on 19th February 2016.
- With many different sources of gearing and loot scarcity in Shadowlands, targeting your absolute Best in Slot gear isn't entirely realistic; instead, we've created a Best in Slot list from the ideal Restoration Shaman raid drops found in Shadowlands, from Mythic Dungeons, to help you decide what to prioritize.
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Comment by andrewboie
> it picks the newest player in range - as in the newest created or transferred character, as that one will have the highest GUID (Global Unique IDentifier).Are you sure about 'newest'? All the GUID generation algorithms I know of are not sequential.
Comment by TinyKoop
Unreal how everyone *!@#s on deeply rooted elements. Try it and watch ascendence (arguably the best resto cd) pop multiple times during boss fights and every third mob just from casting our most used spell riptide. Every site says the same bs about RNG. Give this legendary a go.Comment by TimeLostKefe
On the note of Earthen HarmonyAfter doing some tests, turns out conduit named Embrace of Earth does actually work with the legendary power Earthen Harmony.

If its worth more than Swirling Currents is another topic entirely.
I also did some tests for Surge of Earth, but that talent has its own, separate healing value. It gets the benefit of Embrace of Earth and Earth Shield if it happens to heal the tank/person with the shield, but because it has its own scalling, it has no direct synergy with the legendary at all. If anything, in some situations healing on the tank will be lesser than charges used on their own.
Comment by Agentkillerlee

Available Slots: Legs & Feet
Crafting Preference: Feet
Best In Slot Shaman Elemental Tbc
This makes no sense? Isn't once of Shaman's dominion shard slots in the Feet slot?Best In Slot Shaman Healer
Comment by PaleWoman
Elemental Conduit - Venthyr OnlyAvailable Slots: Legs & Feet
Shouldn't it be Chest and Weist?
Best In Slot Shaman Gear
Comment by theta8159
Raging Vesper Vortex - Kyrian OnlyAvailable Slots: Legs & Feet
Crafting Preference: Feet
After asking a guildie to make me the boots, I realized that is a dom slot. Not only that, but the legs will have a higher item budget as well. My fault for not doing the full research, but kinda disappointed that this information is posted.